Saturday, January 4, 2014

Review: Kiss Me Organics Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

First off, I just want to thank Kiss Me Organics, provider of the USDA Certified Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder, for this wonderful opportunity. This product is really amazing, and I am very impressed with everything from the taste to the results. The first day I tried the product, I wasn't thinking about antioxidant power, metabolism, or mental clarity. I was concerned with taste. Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder is a culinary grade powder with many times the benefits of traditional brewed green teas.

Energy Boost

So, I brewed up some water, stirred in the recommended 1 teaspoon of powder to dissolve it, added a little milk and sugar, and sat down to try out this cup of tea. Though the Matcha Powder is much stronger than other forms of green tea, the taste was not even the slightest bit overpowering. I add milk and sugar to all tea; it is just my personal drinking preference. I drank this wonderful little cup of warmth at about 5 PM that evening. A little later on, I noticed I was feeling pretty good. I felt as if the daily fog had lifted from my mind. I proceeded to have a little trouble falling asleep that night because I get up and do things. Needless to say, I only drank the tea early in the day from that point forward.

137x the Antioxidant Power over Brewed Green Tea

Thanks to the antioxidant boost from the organic matcha, I avoided at least one illness. At one point, I was not drinking the tea daily. I noticed I was starting to get the runny nose and scratchy throat that tends to come with winter illnesses. I immediately made a cup of this green tea just as I had before. The sniffles and sore throat were gone before they had a chance to get started. I felt better the next day, rather than gradually getting worse. All symptoms were gone within 3 days. It is no doubt the fact that the Matcha Green Tea contains 137 times the antioxidants as brewed green tea had a lot to do with my results.

Increased Focus and Memory

From my experience this month, I would say this product works great to reduce stress, focus the mind, and help the body fight illness. I saw increased energy as well. It is loaded with antioxidants, and the flavor is amazing. There are so many ways you can incorporate the green tea powder into your diet that there are no good excuses not to do it. Whether you prefer to add it to smoothies, bake it up in some goodies, or drink it as I did in a regular tea form, you will definitely see the benefits more and more with each use.

Kiss Me Organics provides Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder exclusively for sale through at the link above and here.

DISCLAIMER: Individual results may vary. Consult with your doctor before beginning any new diet or exercise plan. Neither myself nor Kiss Me Organics can be held responsible for individual results or personal harm or injury caused by the use of this product.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Immortal Sleep by the makers of Immortal Energy

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial. 

In my last post, I wrote about Immortal Energy - a natural alternative for lasting energy. At the same time I tested out that surprisingly wonderful product, I also received samples of Immortal Sleep. Both of these products are produced by the company Immortal Herbs. With products using only the finest natural ingredients and "no fillers," as stated on their website, Immortal Herbs is quickly gaining ground in the nutritional supplement world.

My experience with Immortal Sleep was simply wonderful. The trial size I was given offered enough for 3 doses. I took them to lull myself to sleep after taking the Immortal Energy product earlier in the day. I felt it begin to kick in within about 20 minutes of taking the dose and relaxing. It was like a soft cradling for my mind. The racing thoughts I fight with every night began to slow, and I truly felt my whole body relaxing.

I would say I was able to fall asleep quite a bit quicker than usual. I managed to stay asleep most of the night as well, which is also a struggle for me. Anyone with issues that keep him/her awake, stress, anxiety, mental disorders or otherwise, understands the racing thoughts, racing heart, aches, pains, and other issues that interfere with getting a restful night of sleep.

This product may benefit those with the issues described above. I cannot vouch for long-term use, but I believe the short-term results would only continue. Of course, please consult your physician first as I am not a doctor and cannot be held responsible for injuries resulting from another person trying this product based on my review.


Zizyphus Blend - Ancient Chinese herb used to get the body into a deep state of rest. Great for those with racing thoughts, irritability, and nervousness.

L-theanine - Combined with traditional Chinese herbs to promote deep relaxation which paves the way for a restful sleep.

More information on the product's ingredients can be found at the website link above. Please go "Like" Immortal Herbs on Facebook! Over 14,000 likes and a 4.5 star rating can't be wrong.

This product worked great for me, but everybody is different. I've tried many other things with not-so-great results. I really liked this product. I did feel a little groggy upon waking in the morning, but nothing major. It quickly went away once I was up and moving.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Immortal Energy: No Jitters No Crash!

I recently had the chance to try two products from the brand Immortal Herbs. This post is about the first of them.

Immortal Energy is like no other energy supplement I've ever tried. When most people think energy, drinks and other items come to mind. Many of these products give energy through caffeine and Vitamin B-12 (usually with other vitamins and minerals.) The majority of our society use or drink multiple caffeinated beverages on a daily basis. Hence, these "energy" drinks either do not work for an individual because of his/her caffeine tolerance, or the drinks make the individual very jittery and edgy.

Immortal Energy is a refreshing break from those types of products. The ingredients include Deer Antler, Astragalus, Ginseng, Goji and Schizandra. All of these items have special and unique qualities that I will talk about a little later.

I received a 3-day trial of this product to try and review. According to the package, the recommended dose is 3 to 4 capsules. I took 3 capsules once a day. The trial included enough for 3 days. In the picture above you can see the capsule and the package in my hand to show their size. For those of you whom are not so big on the idea of swallowing capsules, the package insists you can open the capsules and dissolve the contents in warm water to make tea or add them to a smoothie. I'll leave those options up to you to try!

About 30 minutes after taking the capsules (I believe on an empty stomach), I started to feel a gentle urge to get up and do something. I spend a lot of time doing projects on my computer, so I sit for the better part of the day and night. Also, I've had a very low level of natural energy in the past several years. This boost felt really nice. It was soft as opposed to the abrupt kick of other products I've tried. I started doing some things around the house, both inside and out. I noticed I was somewhat more focused than normal, and I felt like I could keep going. The effects stayed at this level the entire time, despite my activity level.

I did not experience a rapid heartbeat, jitters, or anxiety on Immortal Energy. It was like this all three days I took the product! Obviously, I cannot vouch for long-term use, but I would definitely use this again and recommend it to anyone looking for a gentle lift. Based on my trial, Immortal Herbs has found a wonderful mix of natural substances to create long-lasting, gentle energy. I, also, did not notice a comedown period at all. I did not crash. I just eased down into my nightly routine. I did take the other product I was given as a trial, Immortal Sleep, at night; I definitely recommend using the two together. I will post a full review of that product soon.

This is a healthy alternative to other energy supplements as it is 100% organic, gluten-free, and GMO-free. Check out Immortal Herbs on Facebook or on their Website for more information.

More Info on the ingredients:


Deer antler is widely used in Asia, and now throughout the world, to strengthen adrenal, reproductive and brain functions. It is mainly used as a rejuvenating agent. Short term use is believed to quickly build strength and power, while consistent long-term use is believed to re-build deep life force, preserve youthfulness and to enhance longevity.

Numerous studies done in China, Japan and Korea have shown that the pantocrine in deer antler increases work capacity, decreases muscular and mental fatigue, and improves sleep and appetite. Deer antler has been shown to increase the oxygen intake of the brain, liver and kidneys in laboratory animals. It also significantly increases red and white blood cell production in laboratory animals, with the effects improving as dosage is increased.

Deer antler extract provides minerals, amino acids, and other nutrients including the insulin-like growth factor IGF-1.

Clinical trials have shown that IGF-1 may:

Enhance immune functions
Increase muscular strength and endurance
Possess anti-inflammatory properties
Possess growth-stimulating properties
Help regulate low and high blood pressure
Help promote sounder, more refreshing sleep
Improve eyesight, including night vision
Help reduce cholesterol and triglycerides
IGF-1 is also an important supplement for people interested in reducing the signs of aging and for those people interested in living the longest, healthiest, and most active life possible.


For centuries people have used astragalus root to enhance strength and regulate metabolism. The herb has only recently gained popularity among herbalists and practitioners of alternative medicine in the West. Chinese medicine uses astragalus root to enhance the body’s energy, known as “qi”. Astragalus root is a mild diuretic, and it can help to reduce perspiration as well. Astragalus root is also been shown to protect the adrenal cortex, the gland that produces hormones related to stress. It may also help allergy sufferers by strengthening the immune system’s response to allergens in the environment.


Ginseng is used for improving thinking, concentration, memory, work efficiency, physical stamina, and athletic endurance which have a significant impact on our energy levels.


The nutritional and medicinal benefits of goji berries are legendary. Goji berries are very high in antioxidants and have great anti-inflammatory properties. It supports vision, is a mood elevator, and is known as “the happy fruit.”


Schizandra is known as the five-flavor fruit; it has each of the five flavors (sweet, spicy, sour, salty, and acidic).  It’s one of the most famous herbs used in Chinese medicine. This herb is considered to be one of the premium mind tonics of herbalism. It has been known to produce a calming effect while stimulating the mind's ability to focus and concentrate.

Disclaimer: The products and the claims made about specific products on or through this site have not been evaluated by Immortal Herbs or the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

And the Winner is >>>

The winner of the Woolzies Dryer Balls giveaway is now posted on the Giveaway tab of the blog's Facebook page here

Please go see if you are the winner. 

I posted this to the Facebook page yesterday. The winner now has less than 24 hours (until 5:35pm tomorrow) to contact me, or I will have to choose a new winner.

Thank you to all that participated.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Review and Giveaway of Woolzies Dryer Balls

Soft By Nature, Inc.

Back in March, I received a box of Woolzies Dryer Balls to test out from Soft by Nature, Inc. At first, I thought they were somewhat strange. They were palm-sized balls that were soft and a little squishy. I thought to myself, “How the heck are these things going to dry my clothes faster or soften the fabric.” It only took one load to scare away my skeptic side.

Safe Fabric Softener Alternative

Woolzies are made from 100% Pure New Zealand Wool. They contain no toxins or harmful chemicals that you find in regular fabric softeners. All of the claims made by the company turned out to be astonishingly accurate. Right from the first load, my drying time was reduced, static was no longer an issue, and the clothing and towels fluffed up. In addition, they have not broken apart or damaged the dryer in any way because they are soft and solid. It was like breathing new life into my laundry routine!

Eventually, I noticed the Woolzies were not removing the static as well from my dryer loads. There is a very easy fix for this! Simply place the dryer balls in socks, wash them, and then throw them in the dryer (remember to take them out of the socks first though!) I’ve done this twice since I started using the dryer balls, and it worked like a charm both times.

A small side note:
I was having a lot of trouble with my dryer when I first got these dryer balls. I had to dry loads two or three times to get them completely dry. I tried just about everything to fix the issue, but nothing worked. I changed nothing about the load size or materials I was drying when I first tried Woolzies. They cut my drying time in half on the very first load! I was simply amazed and knew this would continue to be a great product.

If you are trying to lead a healthier lifestyle, trying to use natural products, trying to shield your family from harsh chemicals and toxins, or just interested in trying something new and different, Woolzies Dryer Balls are a great place to start.

UPDATE (11/17/13): Here is a picture of one of the dryer balls as of today.

It has held up pretty well considering the 4-6 loads of laundry we do each week. You can see hair, fuzzies, and string attached to it. Running it through the washer should take care of that while reactivating its static-removing and fluffing power.

Discover Woolzies by watching the promotional video. Follow them @Woolzies on Twitter. Like Woolzies on Facebook.

Want more? Enter my giveaway here to get a set of Woolzies of your very own.

Disclosure/Disclaimer: I was given this product for free to try out, review, and giveaway on this blog. I am not receiving further compensation for this review. Though I was given the product for free, my opinions and views as stated have not been influenced in any way. My opinions are solely my own. Review the blog's full terms by clicking the tab at the top of the page.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Health and Healing Naturally

(Source: Health Spa Blog)

I've really been focusing on my health in the past few months. To be perfectly honest, I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired!

After reading a lot about natural health options, looking into exercises that work well for people living with chronic pain, especially knee pain, and starting on a new path to reach my health goals, I am still trying to find the complete plan that will work best for me.

A big problem in the past has been finding something that sticks. I found some great recipes and ideas on a variety of websites, and I would like to share those with you all. Here are a few great websites in no particular order. is a great website for the latest in news from around the world. They are a non-profit, posting educational information. You will find many articles, videos, infografics, and podcasts about anything and everything that is important to the health and well-being of the people. Reports from mainstream media, as well as the less covered stories, are presented from a non-bias viewpoint that allows you to make informed decisions across various topics. Check out their social media page on Facebook to get the latest stories.

Herbs and Oils World

If you are interested in learning about the benefits and uses of naturally growing herbs, or the oils you can make from them, this is a wonderful resource. They are very active on the site's Facebook page, constantly posting helpful links. You will find about everything about herbs from growing to harvesting to creating your very own powders and oils, which you can then use in cooking and much more. They collect articles from around the web and put them all in one place for easy access.

Herb, Health, and Happiness

This blog is one of the best you will find for information on natural health. They share tons of home remedies as well as lists of herbs and studies that prove the benefits of natural healing methods. The blog posts are well-researched and include sources for reference. Like them on Facebook so you never miss a post!

Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead

This is the story of Joe Cross and his journey to go from a very unhealthy person to something much better. Watch the documentary for free on the website and learn more about rebooting your life through juicing. Follow the juicing phenomenon, and read stories from people around the world as they embark on this life-changing journey on Facebook.

What are some of your favorite health, nutrition, or exercise websites? What types of routines or programs have worked for you? What keeps you motivated and moves you past the "hump" when it comes to trying something new? Comment below!

When it comes to natural healing, the most important piece of advice I can give is to educate yourself. Home remedies do not work the same for everyone, and they are not right for everyone.

Before beginning any type of natural healing regimen or exercise routine, you should speak with your physician and/or nutritionist. Also, I am not a doctor, so this is not meant to be medical advice in any way shape or form. I am simply a medium for connecting you with various information that I personally have found to be helpful to me. These opinions are my own, and I received no form of compensation for this post or the links provided within.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Kinderfeets Giveaway Hosted by Elitemama

Giveaway is hosted by: Elitemama and Sponsored by: Kinderfeets

When it comes to parenting, we all want to give our children every opportunity to learn, grow, and have fun! Rowynyew's Attempt to Blog is proud to share with you this great giveaway from the wonderful hosting and co-hosting blogs listed above.

About Kinderfeets:

The Kinderfeets is a balance bike, a training bike and a running bike. It is a great starting point for preparing children to ride a conventional two-wheeled bike. The bike is a cleaver alternative to training wheels, and it is considered a superior form of learning to balance on two wheels. Kinderfeets was designed by a Dutch designer living in California. He had originally made the bike for his son because what he wanted was not available.

Compared to other push bikes, the Kinderfeets bike offers the following features:

  • Foot pegs for cruising
  • Step-through frame allowing for lowering and raising of the seat
  • No-fill tires
  • Washable seat cover
  • Chalkboard-finish colors

Get the bike in a natural wood finish or choose from one of six different colors in Chalkboard finish. The Kinderfeets is for ages 2 and older, and it can carry a maximum weight of 70 lbs. Kinderfeets has patented this design.

You can read Elitemama's review Here

One lucky reader will win a Kinderfeets wooden balance bike in their choice of color ($109.00)

Giveaway is open to US residents only. You must be 18 years or older to enter. Giveaway ends 7/22. Enter the GiveawayTools form below for your chance to win. Good Luck!

Disclosure: Rowynyew's Attempt to Blog received no compensation for this publication. My opinions are my own and may differ from those of your own. I am not responsible for the fulfillment or shipment of the prize. 

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Blogger Opp Announcement: Elitemama Kinderfeets Giveaway


Sign-ups are open for the fabulous Kinderfeets Giveaway
This event is free to join with an announcement post. 
For participation, you will receive 2 free links (Facebook and Twitter)
Sign-ups for the event closes on June 28th

Sign up for the event Here

Don't forget to say Rowynyew's Attempt to Blog sent you!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Tired of telling your child no? Here are some ways to avoid it.

In a recent interview with ABC News, Desperate Housewives Marla Sokoloff made others take notice with her decision to stop telling her child "no". The debate on proper discipline still rages, especially in America where spanking is often viewed as cruel; some even consider it abusive!

For most parents, the word "no" is spoken more than words of praise. It may even get to the point that the child just does not listen anymore. This can lead to danger and harm if the child does not listen when they really are doing something that will hurt them. As parents, we tend to overreact when we fear anything bad will happen to our child. Truth is sometimes we have to let them learn on their own. Obviously, this does not apply to life-threatening situations or anything that would cause major harm (broken bones, etc.).

Disclaimer: The author accepts NO responsibility for anything that may happen as a result
of actions taken based on the words in this post. She does not claim to be an expert.
She is only giving her opinion based on her personal knowledge and what she has read,
and the information herein should only be taken as such.

If your child is constantly giving you a reason to say "no", Ask Dr. Sears offers '18 Ways to Say No Positively'. I've rewritten a few of them below, and you read the full article here.

1: Create a "yes" environment for your child to explore. During the exploration phase of childhood (between about 1 and 2 years old), a toddler needs to touch, play with, throw, hit, kick, pull, and push things. When you find that your lovely little angel had decided to do this with your things, the result is an immediate "no" and punishment, followed by an upset parent and an upset child. Finding safe things for your child to explore is important during this phase. Take them to the back yard, to a park, or to a playground. This promotes an environment where the child can run around, touch things, and climb on things safely. He/She will be happier, and so will you!

2: Try Try to replace "no" with a reason the child should not do what they are about to do. Without a reason behind it, the word "no" is rather empty. Your child realizes this. They become immune to the word without reinforcement behind it. If you can get the child to understand why they cannot do the thing rather than just telling them no, they are more likely to listen and to learn. If the child is about to touch the stove, tell them "no", but add an explanation like "Hot. Ouch." or "Boo-Boo." Then, when they inevitably try to do it again, you can just say the "Hot. Ouch." part, and they will start to understand.

3: Substitute a "Yes" for a "No". When your child is crawling or walking around looking for trouble, watch them carefully and let them explore. When they decide on the trouble they are going to go for, then it is time to act. If the child is trying to grab something that is off-limits, like your collection of knick-knacks perhaps, you can bring him one of his toys. Say, "Not mama's [item here], but you can have this toy." Providing alternatives helps avoid tantrums.

4: Understand that your child is just trying to learn, and know that you do not have to be mean just because you have to make your child stop doing something. If your child picks up something they should not have, stay calm. Rather than rushing over and snatching the object away from your child, talk about it with her. Perhaps she grabs a picture off the table. Tell her who is in the picture. Tap on the glass telling her what it is and what it can do if it breaks. Show her the sharp edges, and carefully let her touch them. Then, you can tell her that it is dangerous to play with the picture, but she can look at it anytime. It is still good to find something else for her to play with after you get her to put the picture back where she found it.

What kind of things have you done to replace the word "no"? How do you discipline your child in general? This is a very hard topic for some people to discuss, so please respect other readers' opinions/beliefs when commenting.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Does Anybody Still Read My Blog?

So, I was thinking today that I haven't really posted anything worth reading on this blog. At least not lately. I've been so busy trying to get my writing career going, or at least get some income for now, that I haven't had time to devote to this so-called "Attempt to Blog". That has to change.

With this post I'm turning a new leaf for this blog. Rather than wondering why no one is really reading the blog, I am choosing to do something about it. While I still may not post as often as I should, I will make interesting and relevant contributions that will make you want to read my blog.

When I started this blog, I wanted to bring you the same things that brought me joy. I wanted to provide giveaways, news, tips, and a little bit of everything. That is not always the best goal as it turns out. Freelancing is what I know, and it is what I am good at. This blog was never intended to be about my work, however, as I have a blog on my main website for that. I'm going to get back to the basics with this blog, offering giveaways, reviews, and anything else a stay-at-home or work-at home mom or dad would want to know.

So, in light of my new realizations about me and about blogging, here are some great current giveaways you won't want to miss:

Stay a Stay at Home Mom's RAOK (Random Act of Kindness) Giveaway (Ends 6/11/13)
CashCrate Cash Giveaway Host: Stay a Stay at Home Mom | Co-Hosts: Ultimate Coupon Club and My Sweet Savings (ends 6/5/13)
Acer Netbook Giveaway Host: Stay at Stay at Home Mom | Co-Hosts: Mew Review,  Budget Earth, and Mom to Bed by 8 Sponsor: MTACC (ends 6/18/13)
Visa $200 Gift Card Giveaway Hosts: NYSavingSpecials and Your Fashion Resource (ends 6/28/13) Review and Giveaway Host: Simply Sherryl

And here are a few tips for others looking to keep their blog fresh and keep the readers reading:

Post content weekly - Posting weekly keeps readers coming back at a set time, so they are more likely to visit your blog as they read through other blogs that post on that day.

Post relevant content - Relevant content ensures your readers get what they expect when they come to your blog, which makes them more likely to enjoy reading it.

Narrow your blog/posts topics - Stick to a few things to talk about on your blog rather than having a hodgepodge of mixed topics. You'll attract readers that will keep coming back instead of those looking for a topic you do not talk about very often. Keep each post to one or two topics to keep reader's interest.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Help Create the Inter-Faith Pagan Library of Cape Town South Africa

Something very important is happening in within the Correllian-Nativist Tradition! I would like to invite everyone to participate by donating gently used books, CD's, Tarot Cards and other items to the collection. These items are to establish an Inter-Faith Pagan Library in Cape Town, South Africa.

In Africa, pagan practice is still very limited and confined to the underground because of the fear of torture or death. Reports of burning or stoning of accused witches is still prominent as you can see in this 2008 Associated Press article and this 2012 article in the African Spotlight. This library would allow more citizens access to the materials without having to worry about persecution.

I understand that some of you do not accept this as a faith or support its existence. That is fine. Everyone is free to believe as they wish in my books. For those of you who are open-minded and are willing to support such a fine cause, please read this notice below and follow the links to see how you can help! Donations of items must be postmarked by March 31, 2013. Monetary donations are accepted until April 10, 2013. There are various rewards for cash donations.

Thanks :)
Beverly Sadler (A.K.A Rowynyew)

Message from Lindsey Irvin:

Since last fall the Correllian-Nativist Tradition, along with our friends across the Pagan community, have been gathering Pagan oriented books, CD’s, videos, software and divination tools in order to create an Inter-Faith Pagan Library in Cape Town, South Africa. An Inter-Faith Pagan Library, S. A. Indiegogo campaign is being put on to secure the funds needed to ship the library to Cape Town and hopefully purchase a Wendy House to store it in. Perk rewards are available beginning with just a $5 donation! If you cannot personally donate to this Indiegogo campaign we hope you will spread the word about it by sharing the Indiegogo link via your social media and personal e-mail contact list.

Information on the Indiegogo campaign can be found by clicking here.

If you wish to donate materials for the library itself, please forward those before March 31st of this year to:

Rev. Laurie Denman
11250 Old St. Augustine Road, Suite 15, #150
Jacksonville, FL 32257

I would like to thank you in advance for being part of the change in South Africa for the Pagan community there.

Laura DeLuca: Jessica by Laura DeLuca Free March 25th to 29th

Just wanted to drop in with a quick note. One of my favorite authors has a book available for free this week. Check out her post by clicking the link below, and visit to get your free copy!

Laura DeLuca: Jessica by Laura DeLuca Free March 25th to 29th: To celebrate the upcoming release of Demon, Pagan Writers Press is giving all my readers a present! Jessica is a spooky short story ava...

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Top Amazon Kindle Best Sellers Free Right Now

I compiled this list of the Top 20 Best Sellers for Amazon Kindle from at 12 am March 20. As of the time of this posting you can get these e-books for free, but the list changes hourly. Please make sure the price is still free before purchasing! Here are the Top 5. The entire list of 20 is available here. The list of 100 is available on

Auto-delivered wirelessly

Auto-delivered wirelessly

Auto-delivered wirelessly

Auto-delivered wirelessly

C. P. Stringham, Ali Bennett
Auto-delivered wirelessly

Enjoy these five free kindle books and the rest of the list while they last!
Remember the Free selection constantly changes.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Keys to Family Happiness

Money? Love? Having time to spend with loved ones? What is the key to your true happiness?

Many people wish only to have enough money to provide for the needs of their family, while others wish to be rich enough to vacation whenever they feel the urge. If you are someone who has struggled throughout your life to make a living and keep a roof over your head, you probably need very little to make you happy. Here are some things you can try to make your home a happy one for your whole family.

Image courtesy of Photostock /

Make Dinner a Family Event

Psychiatrist and nutrition counselors alike speak of the benefits of family mealtime. A family having a meal together creates a loving, friendly environment for children. This helps them grow and learn. Benefits include everything from fostering confidence in youth to healthier eating habits. In a newsletter on the subject Elaine Bowen, Nutrition Education Specialist at WVU notes, “Family mealtime benefits children’s intellectual, physical, and emotional development.” She goes on to discuss that children learn by watching and talking to adults during this time. Relax and enjoy a few meals together each week as a family and watch your happiness grow!

Start a Savings Account

Though I normally would not say money is a key to happiness, the truth is money is required for nearly every aspect of normal living. If you have not started a savings account already, you should do so. Planning is key here. A savings account gives you money to fall back on in a time of need. Unexpected events, such as accidents or the car breaking down, occur often. Being prepared in advance for the monetary aspects of these things will take worry off your shoulders so you can enjoy life just a little more.

Plan a Date Night with Your Significant Other

For many adults, work often interferes with spending time with loved ones. No one is more important that your family. To foster the bond between you and your significant other, plan a date night at least once a month. This may not seem like much, but it can really help. Work and life have plenty of stresses, many of which cause tension in the relationship. Date night is a time when you can relax and just enjoy each other. Reconnecting and talking while enjoying a meal or taking a long walk helps recharge both of you. In addition, the night off calms the nerves and allows you to regain focus. You will be less likely to fight after a special night together meaning the home will be a much happier place.

Make a List

Making your own list of the things that make you happy allows you to see what you should be focusing on in life. Start by writing the first few things you think of, and then add to the list as time goes on. Make it a point to follow your list as well. If spending more time with family would make you happy, plan an outing. Make sure you follow through with your list. You could even use a calendar to plan around everyone’s busy schedule.

Doing things that make you and your family happy is just as important as going to work every day. It brings everyone closer together. It lets your loved ones know you care about them and want to be with them. Everyone appreciates a break from everyday life once in a while. Be sure to ask your family members what would make them happy. Plan to do things they want to do as well. This will validate their feelings and needs. In the end, you are in control of your own happiness. If you do not try to make things better, things will not get better.

Put forth the effort and reap the rewards of having a loving, happy and healthy family!

© 2013 Beverly Sadler (Rowynyew)

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Review Noxicare Natural Pain Relief Cream

For several years now, I've struggled with progressively worsening knee pain. At times when I am walking or trying to get up from a sitting position, it feels as though my knee cap will just pop off! Now, that may sound unbelievable, but I really can't describe the pressure and pain in any better way. On a scale from 1-10, my pain level is constantly at a seven to eight. I feel bad for anyone who suffers the same type of pain.

This pain and discomfort affect every part of my life. I am unable to play with my children like I used to, I can't work because I can't stand, sit or walk for any amount of time, and I just feel like I am missing out on so much now.

I have two young children, ages 6-year-old and a 10-year-old. Most of you know how active kids at that age are. All they want to do is run around and play tag and other games like that. Imagine not being able to do those things that bring so much joy to your children. That's something I have to live with everyday.

~Enter Noxicare Natural Pain Relief Cream~

Noxicare Natural Pain Relief Cream

Since I've had this pain for years now, I've tried nearly every natural pain relief product on the market. So, when I was contacted with the opportunity to test this product, it was difficult to go into the trial with an open mind. A lot of the power of these natural product lies within your mental state. You must believe they will work, or you are just wasting your time. Many people do not believe a pain relief cream without prescription strength medication can help at all with true pain.

You can guess how surprised I was when it actually helped! When I first put the cream on, I tried to keep an open mind and allow my body to let me know if it was working or not.

Within about 5-10 minutes from rubbing it in, the pain was lessened. Now granted it did not completely get rid of the pain, but it did provide enough relief so I didn't have to cringe every time I stood up. The relief lasted only about 30 minutes. That may not be very long, but if you suffer from pain 24 hours a day with no break, any amount of relief feels pretty good.

Natural Pain Relief
Powerful neon green herbal cream.
Overall, here is a breakdown of the product based on my experience:
  • Pain level before applying product - 8
  • Pain level 5 minutes after applying product -6
  • Pain level 10 minutes after applying product - 3
  • Pain level 45 minutes after applying product - 6
  • Pain level 1 hour after applying product - 8
  • Product greasy feeling level - 2 (comparable to most lotions after rubbing in)
  • Product scent strength - 1 (little to no odor)
  • Ease of application - 10 (rubs in very easily and cleanly)
  • Any skin irritation? No, I did not experience a rash or other irritation, even after using regularly for a week.
Odorless, Non-Greasy Pain Relief Cream
Rubs in clear with no greasy residue.
I would definitely recommend this product to anyone wanting to try an alternative remedy for their pain. Noxicare Natural Pain Relief Cream is formulated for joint and nerve pain meaning it is useful for relief of minor arthritis pain, nerve pain from damaged nerves or diabetic neuropathy. 

Though I did not try this product for any of my other aches and pains, I am sure it would have provided relief on any part of the body.  My knees cause me the most trouble, and nothing else has really given any relief. I felt the knees would be the best test of the pain relief cream.

For more about this wonderful natural product, please visit Noxicare website, linked above. Don't forget to "Like" them on Facebook here and check out their blog for interesting articles with tips on natural pain relief and updates about their product line.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.