Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Help Create the Inter-Faith Pagan Library of Cape Town South Africa

Something very important is happening in within the Correllian-Nativist Tradition! I would like to invite everyone to participate by donating gently used books, CD's, Tarot Cards and other items to the collection. These items are to establish an Inter-Faith Pagan Library in Cape Town, South Africa.

In Africa, pagan practice is still very limited and confined to the underground because of the fear of torture or death. Reports of burning or stoning of accused witches is still prominent as you can see in this 2008 Associated Press article and this 2012 article in the African Spotlight. This library would allow more citizens access to the materials without having to worry about persecution.

I understand that some of you do not accept this as a faith or support its existence. That is fine. Everyone is free to believe as they wish in my books. For those of you who are open-minded and are willing to support such a fine cause, please read this notice below and follow the links to see how you can help! Donations of items must be postmarked by March 31, 2013. Monetary donations are accepted until April 10, 2013. There are various rewards for cash donations.

Thanks :)
Beverly Sadler (A.K.A Rowynyew)

Message from Lindsey Irvin:

Since last fall the Correllian-Nativist Tradition, along with our friends across the Pagan community, have been gathering Pagan oriented books, CD’s, videos, software and divination tools in order to create an Inter-Faith Pagan Library in Cape Town, South Africa. An Inter-Faith Pagan Library, S. A. Indiegogo campaign is being put on to secure the funds needed to ship the library to Cape Town and hopefully purchase a Wendy House to store it in. Perk rewards are available beginning with just a $5 donation! If you cannot personally donate to this Indiegogo campaign we hope you will spread the word about it by sharing the Indiegogo link via your social media and personal e-mail contact list.

Information on the Indiegogo campaign can be found by clicking here.

If you wish to donate materials for the library itself, please forward those before March 31st of this year to:

Rev. Laurie Denman
11250 Old St. Augustine Road, Suite 15, #150
Jacksonville, FL 32257

I would like to thank you in advance for being part of the change in South Africa for the Pagan community there.

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